
What’s Squirdle?

A new but delightful spin-off of the popular Wordle formula, Squirdle is designed to test dedicated fans’ Pokemon knowledge. The game doesn’t require guessing any daily word but identifying mysterious Pokemon.

Its hinting system also received an overhaul. Now, it gives players hints on the Pokemon’s generation, height, weight, and types instead of letters in a word. Players must place their guesses strategically and carefully analyze the provided clues to win this game.

The Squirdle game’s twist on the same old Wordle formula can only be described as fantastic. That is why it can offer Pokemon’s die-hard fans a novel way to show off their vast knowledge of the universe. It masterfully blends Wordle’s addictive gameplay with the Pokemon franchise’s nostalgia.

How To Play Squirdle Game

With each new day, Squirdle will feature a unique mystery Pokemon from its database. Your goal is to find out which Pokemon it is within 9 guesses. There is no starting hint, so the first guess is completely blind from your side.

After you have inputted your first guess, you will receive feedback from the Squirdle game. It provides hints from these five attributes: generation, type 1 and type 2, height, and weight.

The generation attribute tells you which Pokemon belongs to which generation, while type 1 and type 2 let you know about the elemental types of that Pokemon. In the same vein, height and weight inform you of the Pokemon’s official height and weight.

These hints don’t just tell you if you are right or wrong. They also have arrows pointing up or down to make it easier for you to guess.

Tips To Play Squirdle

The best hint that you can make use of is always the generation. Knowing when different Pokemon characters were introduced significantly cuts down the guesswork you need to do.

Another good hint to make use of is the two types. Coupled with the generation hint, you have almost all the information needed to figure out the Pokemon. After all, there are a lot of Pokemon, but not many have a combination like Psychic/Normal.

If you are stuck, try focusing on Pokemon characters that share a common type or evolutionary line. Doing so can help jog your memory and provide a new direction for approaching the puzzle.

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